Klett Lernen free download - Klett Book App, Schweizerdeutsch Lernen, Lernen (1+), and many more programs. Klett Lernenにおける、 米国のダウンロードランキング推移を確認しましょう。 ランキング推移は、Klett LernenアプリストアにおけるMac Storeの人気の推移を表示します。 各国、カテゴリ、デバイスごとに、毎日・毎時間におけるKlett Lernenのパフォーマンスの履歴. Flirten Lernen F%C3%BCr Frau, Site De Rencontre Celibataire Gratuit, Rencontre 15eme, Rencontre Homme Convertis Islam. Warum kann ich den Benutzer innerhalb der Klett Lernen App nicht wechseln? Warum sehe ich nach dem Update der Klett Lernen App meine Produkte nicht mehr? Warum werden meine Produkte nicht in der Klett Lernen App angezeigt? Weitere anzeigen Wie nutze ich meinen Digitalen Unterrichtsassistenten auf meinem Mac Computer ohne DVD-ROM Laufwerk? Nutzen Sie den Digitalen Unterrichtsassistenten offline in der Klett Lernen App. Jetzt informieren und App herunterladen. Das bietet Ihnen der Digitale Unterrichtsassistent. Windows 8, Mac OS X 10.9, Mac OS X 10.12, Mac OS X 10.11, Mac OS X 10.10. In order to use the latest version of the Klett Augmented app you need a device running Android 7.0 or newer or iOS 11 or newer. Do you need an internet connection? In order to load the data you need an internet connection. It is best if you have a Wifi connection. After the material has been downloaded on your device you can use them offline.
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Klett Augmented: Kurzanleitung (Deutsch)
Klett Augmented: Quick Guide (English)
Klett Augmented: Kurzanleitung (bisherige Version)
1. How much does Klett Augmented cost?
The app and the augmented materials are free of charge. The book on which the app is based needs to be purchased of course, but it needn’t even be a brand new edition of the book for the app to work.
2. What books have Klett Augmented materials?
Please refer to www.klett-sprachen.de/augmented
Here you will see a complete list of all books (at the moment more than 900, but more are being produced all the time).
3. Is my device compatible with the latest version of the Klett Augmented app?
In order to use the latest version of the Klett Augmented app you need a device running Android 7.0 or newer or iOS 11 or newer.
4. Do you need an internet connection?
In order to load the data you need an internet connection. It is best if you have a Wifi connection. After the material has been downloaded on your device you can use them offline.
5. What is the VIP Log-In?
For a selection of our products we offer an additional VIP Login, which is an exclusive offer for teachers. Here you will find additional files and information. If you are a teacher, just log in with your Ernst Klett Sprachen customer number.
(Be careful, your Klett Verlag number and Ernst Klett Sprachen numbers are different customer numbers).
If you are a teacher, you can use this function to have quick access to materials that your students can not see - for example the solutions to the exercises. This makes for easy preparation and you will never feel on the spot in the classroom.
6. How do I select my book?
Open the app then go to library. Here you can select your book in the list under 'All titles' or simply search for it and add it to your list by clicking on the '+' symbol. All the books you have selected as favourites will then appear under 'My list'.
To help you find your book quickly, you can sort the titles chronologically by date (of upload) or alphabetically.
As soon as you click on the title of the book, the book is selected. The scan view is opened and you can begin scanning.
7. How can I save content and use it offline?
After scanning (or manual page selection), all available content of the selected pages will appear on your screen. You can access it directly.
Save individual content:
To save content, click on the bookmark symbol next to it. You can then access the content directly from your bookmark. Your bookmark can be found on your start page.
Save all content for a title in one go:
You can also bookmark all content for a title in one go. In the scan view, click on the book title at the bottom of the screen and then select 'Bookmark all content'
Use content offline:
To use content offline, select your chosen title in your bookmark. All saved content for this title will be shown.
You can:
Download all content for a title in one go: Click on the download arrow next to the sort function.
Download individual content for a title: Click on the download arrow next to the chosen content.
8. How can I delete content?
Select the chosen title in your bookmark. Now you can select all content you wish to delete.
- Delete download
To delete the download from your device but keep the content in your bookmark, right click on the download symbol. - Delete bookmark
If you want to delete the content from your bookmark completely, click on the chosen content and swipe it to the left.
9. I can’t scan the pages.
Please check your connectivity. We suggest having a WLAN/wi-fi connection.
Afterwards you can use the materials offline.
It is also important that there is enough light for the camera to scan properly. You can turn up the brightness on your device or change from the outdoor to indoor mode.
In general: the more clearly you can see the pages, the better the scan will be.
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You can select the pages and the respective contents manually. Click on the title displayed in the scan view at the bottom of the screen and select manual page selection. With one click on this, a list of all the pages on which there are extra contents will be listed. Select the page you want and the contents will be shown on your screen.
10. The media files don’t correspond to the page I wanted to scan.
If incorrect content is shown, then this means that the scanning conditions were poor. Check the tips above and try again.
If you have tried all this and the wrong content is still showing, please contact our customer services.
11. I can’t install the app.
Please check to make sure that the newest operating system is installed on your smartphone or tablet. Should you want to check what version is compatible with our Klett Augmented App, just go to the i-tunes store or the google play store, where the versions are listed.